Tag Archive | algorithms

This Commercial Says A Lot About The Coming System

This Commercial Says A Lot About The Coming System

Can you see this commercial’s hidden message?

That’s right, the power elite can’t have hungry people who refuse to take the chip walking in to commercial areas and trying to obtain goods and services without submitting and taking a RFID chip. The police state is meant to brutalize all people into submission, so that the eugenics program can continue as planned, using the technology that has been designed and implemented in order to accomplish it.

Tell me; how did they track the shopper’s groceries to the person, figure out he had money in his account, that the money was actually his, that he was the authentic account holder, and then debit his account, allowing him to walk through the door?

This technology has been weaponized and is being used to target members of the population that are not friendly to the agenda, in what is a covert dirty war that has been raging for some time. Many people do not understand the danger that they are in. They can kill people remotely without leaving too many fingerprints. Chances are, once this is fully implemented, any kind of dissent will be met with a quiet death sentence.

The following FDA documentation makes it clear that these RFID chips are already in commercial use inside the United States.

“This guidance document was developed as a special control guidance to support the classification of the implantable radiofrequency transponder system for patient identification and health information into class II (special controls). The device is intended to enable access to secure patient identification and corresponding health information in humans . This guidance is issued in conjunction with a Federal Register notice announcing the classification of implantable radiofrequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.

This guidance document describes a means by which implantable radiofrequency transponder systems for patient identification and health information may comply with the requirement of class II special controls. Designation of this guidance document as a special control means that manufacturers of implantable radiofrequency transponder systems for patient identification and health information who follow the recommendations listed in this document, before introducing their device into commercial distribution in the United States, will also be able to market their device without being subject to the premarket notification requirements of section 510(k) of the Act.” http://www.fda.gov/medicaldevices/deviceregulationandguidance/guidancedocuments/ucm072141.htm

This documentation shows such devices are getting special exemptions and are being fast tracked for use inside the United States.

“The exemption from the requirement of premarket notification (section 510(k) of the act) for a generic type of class I or II device is only to the extent that the device has existing or reasonably foreseeable characteristics of commercially distributed devices within that generic type or, in the case of in vitro diagnostic devices, only to the extent that misdiagnosis as a result of using the device would not be associated with high morbidity or mortality. Accordingly, manufacturers of any commercially distributed class I or II device for which FDA has granted an exemption from the requirement of premarket notification must still submit a premarket notification to FDA before introducing or delivering for introduction into interstate commerce for commercial distribution the device when. . .” Continued here: http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?FR=880.9

What kind of kickbacks do you think that our current sell-out Congress and paid off bureaucrats are getting to push the required legislation, regulations, rule-making, and policies to help drive this forward? Obviously, our future has been sold out and those in older generations who are responsible for governance are the ones who are selling future generations into slavery.

Copyright 2014 by Baby Victor Productions.

I, Human, The Original A.I.

In this fast paced world, which is being increasingly defined by predictive models and computer algorithms that have supposedly been put into place in order to make life safer and simpler, there is often talk about the concept of A.I. or artificial intelligence.

Clearly, some view it as a superior and god-like omniscience that will be able to connect the dots before the dots have even come into existence, to predict the future.  However, it really is a fake and artificial mind that is able to analyze complex sets of data and use decision trees to determine some course of action.  Why would this be necessary when each and every one of us has the original version of the mind at our disposal?


I am the original A.I., for I possess authentic intelligence that has been ordained by God.  Therefore, I reject this suicidal effort to know everything for the sake of personal convenience and to maintain current illusions of power, and I make a personal decision to pay tribute to what I was given, by using my mind to connect my own dots and make judgements about the courses of action that we can take and what kind of a future that might manifest as a result.  Doing so has led me to the conclusion that creating artificial intelligence is a fool’s game that flies in the face of that which endowed me with a mind and my natural and authentic intelligence.  I predict that if we continue on this path then the future will increasingly resemble Hell.


Some suggest that the human mind works very slow compared to an artificial intelligence, suffers from fatigue, and is known to make mistakes.  Therefore, some are prone to suggest that we should hand certain decision making over to an artificial mind.  A potential downside that these people see is the problems associated with human laziness, our predisposition to rely upon the solutions presented without bothering to double-check what is being presented and cross-check it with the human ethos.

Perhaps there is a reason for the built in delays in the human mind and the need for rest.  Maybe part of the reason that we humans are designed this way so that the ethereal realm can have some interplay with our decision making processes, so that the very problem associated with relying upon pure logic alone, which are associated with handing over decision making to an artificial mind won’t manifest itself in the current reality.  Is it possible that this technological drive we are witnessing has allowed for us to bypass this design feature in such a way to create the very problems in our present reality that this characteristic of ours was meant to prevent, and things are picking up an an alarming rate, to the point at which the human consciousness is having a hard time keeping up and is becoming overwhelmed?  How many of our current problems are the result of already handing decision making over to machines, or at the very least, our reliance upon them, to such a high degree.

Copyright 2014 by Baby Victor Productions.